Recent Work Highlights
Launching an alumni community with a bang!
Design and delivery of the first Brave Leadership I Programme alumni community event. Moderated a session with 100+ participants globally, featuring special guests Malcolm Larri and alumni/Section Manager Sara Berrado. We covered topics like Empowering Leadership, Leading myself and others, Imposter Syndrome, the different between Managing and Leading, and much more.
Client: AFRY
Team: Jenny Theolin + Malcolm Larri -
Idea generating with 1200 learning professionals, 2018
Co-facilitating an idea generation workshop along 9 other facilitators and with 1200 attendees. The workshops ran over two half days during Thorengruppens yearly conference, and the result were 300 applicable ideas.
This conference was held in Piteå, Sweden
Client: Thorengruppen
Team: Jenny Theolin + Fantastic Studios -
Creating a Leadership Greenhouse for developing self-leadership, 2023
Leadership Greenhouse – a place for inspiration and development opportunities to grow as leader. Designed and launched an internal leadership portal catering for 1500+ leaders at AFRY with inspiration, insights, tools and an alumni events calendar.
Client: AFRY
Team: Jenny Thelin + Client -
Leading a culture change programme for change leaders, 2018
Leading the learning experience design of training 34 change leaders to focus on change leadership and facilitation, and to bring this new mindset and approach to the rest of the organisation. The programme included a Bootcamp for the 34, as well as facilitation support of 4 parallell workshops during the yearly leadership conference. I also facilitated a LEGO Challenge for Willy’s 350+ leaders to set the scene.
Client: Willy:s Supermarket
Team: Jenny Theolin + Hyper Island -
New List ItemLeading a three-month Culture Transformation Programme, 2021
Leading and co-facilitating a 4 part programme exploring culture with a diverse group responsible for the next evolution of one of the world’s largest fashion brands. Participants were based all over the world, including Italy, Germany, Denmark, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Sweden and the UK. The curriculum was designed based on the OKR framework.
Client: Top Secret
Team: Jenny Theolin + Malcolm Larri -
Managing and developing AFRY Academy on behalf of 19000 employees, 2023
Running and managing AFRY Academy and learning initiatives within for a year. Course and programmes include the global Brave Leadership I programme, Leadership in Projects and Project Management in Practise Courses.
Client: AFRY
Team: Jenny Theolin + Team -
Facilitating in ball pits and dressing up as New Kids on the Block, 2019-2021
The past few years I have spent a lot of working time with Foodmark and Santa Maria. From Group Dynamics sessions, Innovation Workshops to Sales Coferences. Particularly proud of the NKOTB Innovation Workshop looking at the future of Sauce, as well as designing two Quanferences during the pandemic.
Client: Foodmark + Santa Maria
Team: Jenny Theolin + riderLIVE -
Keynote on The Art of Belonging in from of 1400 at Oslo Concert Hall, 2022
Keynote Speaker at ODA Women in Tech’s 2022 event TECH CONTRL. In this interactive talk, we took a look and reflected on the state of work, how important belonging at work really is, the value and benefits of high belonging and the 'belonging tax'. I also facilitated a Human Thunderstorm with the 1400 attendee in Oslo Concert Hall.
Client: ODA Women in Tech
Team: Jenny Theolin -
Leading MA Digital Management in London, launching it in Stockholm, 2015-2018
Leading Hyper Island's part-time MA Digital Management programme in London and launching in Stockholm. Designing engaging curriculum and facilitating student learning, including sourcing speakers and workshop leaders, creating live briefs with businesses, and supporting student progress through group development sessions and reflection.
Client: Hyper Island
Team: Jenny Theolin + Tash Willcox + Ma x Larcombe -
Moderating STHLM Experience Conference, 2022
STHLM Xperience Conference is a hybrid participatory conference with lectures, practical tips, and workshops. Celebrating World Usability Day, the theme was Our Health. The day included 12 Lighting Talks, 1 Keynote; 6 Workshops and a Digital Hybrid Mingle happening in parallel.
Client: Zington
Team: Jenny Theolin -
Leading a four-month feedback culture course, 2021
Leading and co-facilitating a 4 part Feedback Culture Course for Swedish gaming company Boca Boca. The four parts included were themed Group Dynamics, Non-violent Communication, Facilitation & Process Design and Feedback vs Crit.
Client: Toca Bova
Team: Jenny Theolin + Jorik Elferink + Jim Ralley -
Throwing a different kind of corporate Christmas Party, 2019
Innovation as the focus for Fat Shark’s Christmas Party and their 150+ employees. Designed and facilitated a series of workshops before the company dinner and festivities. The workshops included an Innovation Mashup and Feedback.
Client: Fat Shark Games
Team: Jenny Theolin + Client