Video Library
From various sources. In English and Swedish
In this interview, I speak with Audrey Jarre, Head of Learning at @360learningsuite, about how I help my clients raise employee engagement in meetings and conferences by empowering leaders to facilitate a more fun and happy environment.
We don’t always see the forest for the trees, something that Jenny is familiar with when it comes to learning. Learning isn’t meant to be easy and when we’re faced with the right level of challenge is when we see the greatest results. This however isn’t always appreciated by the students in the moment and there will naturally be a level of discomfort present as someone’s improving. Asking students for feedback during their studies compared to after will often produce very different results.
There’s a lot of misunderstanding of how we humans consume information - and more importantly retain that information. We spoke to Jenny about where in the experience the actual learning happens and how there isn’t a need for the teacher or facilitator to be the expert in the room.
Say yes to the mess! Lärande är stökigt! Och det är ok. Ett sätt att lära känna dina deltagare är att hålla en teknikfika någon dag innan ni kör igång! Då får ni chansen att testa slides och verktyg, dela förväntningar samt lära känna deltagarna — för det är otroligt viktigt att alla ska känna sig inkluderande.
När jag blir tillfrågad om en workshop/event/konferens/utbildning utgår jag 99.9% ifrån att be min kund fylla i en SMARRT (IDOARRT) — som vi sen utvecklar tillsammans. Syfte Mål Agenda Regler/Ramverk Roller Tid. (På engelska Intention Desired Outcomes Agenda Rules Roles Time)
Serial creative powerhouse, designer and facilitator Jenny Theolin takes the stage, talking about designing by making. And invites the audience to co-create her presentation.
With nearly two decades working in the design industry, Jenny can now be found working with some of the world’s leading schools, as well as helping corporate companies become learning organisations through designing processes and programmes through her Studio.
About As I See It
We all to some degree will need to facilitate and educate, but knowing what to do and how to dare to get up in front of people and lead isn’t always easy. There are many how to books out there, but eventually you just have to dare. We spoke to Jenny about her upcoming book Dare to Facilitate. What is it about and who is it for?
The secret to teaching and facilitating isn’t in what you do - it’s in those around you. As the person leading a group, it’s essential to realise that it’s not about you, but how you encourage, challenge and elevate the people who you are facilitating. In our chat with Jenny we talk about what makes a good learning experience designer, the idea of cultivating psychological safety, and how you should dare to be yourself.
What the future working landscape looks like is still being shaped and discussed as we in a post-covid society are much more open to remote and hybrid working. But what are the major changes that hybrid working has brought? What risks and opportunities are there? Jenny, who was remote and hybrid long before the pandemic, discusses how hybrid working has become an equaliser for women in the workforce.
Pedagogik i facilitering — hur gör du? Jag utgår främst från de önskade läromålen och sen ser över den teknik vi har och den miljö tillgänglig för att designa den mest relevanta lärandeupplevelsen. I denna videosnutt beskriver jag lite mer!
HURET & VADET 50/50! Valnöten är en arbetsmodell som UGL använder för att förklara hur en en grupp bör arbeta. Den säger att det är extraviktigt att betona huret och inte fokusera för mycket på vadet. Jag håller med och gillar 50/50.
The Human Thunderstorm
In Colearn Sessions, educators from the Colearn Community share learning and insights about designing and facilitating modern learning experiences.
Topics from this session were Micro Learning with Erik Rodin (Able) and Design Fiction with Jenny Theolin (Studio Theolin)
Jenny Theolin är designer och programansvarig på Berghs program Digital Design & Strategy. Hon pratar om konsten att kunna ta emot feedback och vilka steg som vi ofta går igenom. Metoden kallas feedbacktrappan och används inom UGL programmet.